
Use the Kanzi logging system to print messages to the Log window, the Kanzi debug console, standard output, and the system log on your target device. For example, use logging to find problems in your Kanzi application, and to inform the user about the status of your application.

You can:

Printing log messages

Use the Kanzi logging macros to print messages to the log. Most of the logging macros use a fixed log level to indicate the severity of the information in the message. See Setting the log level.


Do not use application critical code in the logging macro calls. If you place application critical code as an argument to the logging macro call, and during compilation you disable the log level or the log category assigned to the message in the call, the preprocessor removes the logging macro call together with the application critical code.

Kanzi has these logging macros:

Logging macro Description
kzLogError Log error messages using the Default Logger (DefaultLogger), the error (KZ_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) log level, and the log category that you provide as an input parameter.
kzLogWarning Log warning messages using the Default Logger (DefaultLogger), the warning (KZ_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING) log level, and the log category that you provide as an input parameter.
kzLogInfo Log info messages using the Default Logger (DefaultLogger), the info (KZ_LOG_LEVEL_INFO) log level, and the log category that you provide as an input parameter.
kzLogTrace Log trace messages using the Default Logger (DefaultLogger), the trace (KZ_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE) log level, and the log category that you provide as an input parameter.
kzLogDebug Log debug messages using the Default Logger (DefaultLogger), the info (KZ_LOG_LEVEL_INFO) log level, and the log category KZ_LOG_CATEGORY_DEBUG.
kzLog Log messages using a custom logger, and the log level and category that you provide as input parameters. See Creating a custom logger.

To print log messages:

  1. In your application code, use a logging macro where you want to print a log message.
    For example:
  2. Build and run your application. See Deploying Kanzi applications.
    For example, on Windows build your application in Visual Studio using the GL_vs2015_Debug build configuration. When you run the application and reach in the code the point where you call the logging macro, Kanzi prints the message to the debug console.

Setting the log level

Use log levels to show log messages based on their severity. For example, to log critical issues during application execution, use the error log level (KZ_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR).

The Kanzi logging system has these log levels:

Log level Name Severity Description
KZ_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR error 1 Logs critical malfunction messages. Create detailed error messages so that you can receive enough information about an issue.
KZ_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING warning 2 Logs facts that require attention, which are not necessarily malfunctions. For example, use a warning message to notify the user about an outcome from which the application can recover, such as a missing parameter that has a default value, or an event that can lead to performance degradation, but is not a failure.
KZ_LOG_LEVEL_INFO info 3 Logs information that gives a brief overview of what is happening in the system, log states passed, static information about configuration, and so on.
KZ_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE trace 4 Logs the maximum amount of information about the system. This is the most verbose log level. Use this level to troubleshoot issues.

These log levels are enabled by default:

To set the log level, use the KZ_LOG_LEVEL_ENABLED_THRESHOLD macro.
For example, to set a log level that enables all log levels:


You can create you own log levels. See KZ_LOG_CREATE_LEVEL.

Using log categories

Use log categories to group log messages that contain information related to specific functionality.

The Kanzi logging system has these default log categories:

Log category Description
KZ_LOG_CATEGORY_DEBUG Collects debug messages.
KZ_LOG_CATEGORY_GRAPHICS_MESH_EXTRA Collects graphics mesh log messages.
KZ_LOG_CATEGORY_EGL_EXTRA Collects EGL log messages.
KZ_LOG_CATEGORY_GENERIC Collects log messages that you have not assigned to any other log category. It is recommended to always explicitly assign a log message to one of the log categories, or create a new log category.

To create and use a log category:

  1. Create a log category with the KZ_LOG_CREATE_CATEGORY macro:
    // Create a log category named "My category" and set the state of the category to enabled.
    // The Kanzi logging system uses category state to filter log messages.
    // To disable a log category, use KZ_LOG_DISABLED_CATEGORY.
  2. Print a log message in the log category that you created:
    // Print to the log "This is an info message." using the MY_LOG_CATEGORY log category.
    kzLogInfo(MY_LOG_CATEGORY, ("This is an info message."));
  3. Build and run your application or interact with your application in the Kanzi Studio Preview. When your application reaches the code where you created the log message, Kanzi prints the message to the debug console or to the Kanzi Studio Log window:
    info:My category> This is an info message.

Creating a custom logger

To redirect log messages, you can implement a custom logger class, which inherits from AbstractLogger, and push the custom logger to the Kanzi logging system. Make your logger class override the AbstractLogger::writeOverride function.

To write log messages using your custom logger, use the kzLog macro.

If you want to use your custom logger to write all the application log messages, register the logger in the Default Logger (DefaultLogger). The Default Logger inherits from AbstractLogger and contains a chain of loggers through which every log message passes. These loggers are by default registered in the Default Logger:

Default logger Destination of log messages
CoutLogger Standard output
AndroidLogger Android system log
Win32DebugLogger Kanzi debug console on Windows

To implement a logger:

// Use this logger to store log messages in a container for later retrieval.
// This class inherits from kanzi::AbstractLogger and implements the writeOverride() function. It stores logs in the container.
// To retrieve the logs, use the get() function.
class SimpleLogger : public AbstractLogger
    // Kanzi calls this function to write messages to the log.
    // This function stores the log message in a container. To retrieve all log messages, use the get() function.
    // Each log message includes:
    // - The message text
    // - The log level
    // - The log category
    // - If the message is an error, the file name and the line number where the error occured
    // \param level The log level of the message.
    // \param levelName The string representation of the log level.
    // \param categoryName The string representation of the log category.
    // \param fileName The name of the file in which the message originated.
    // \param lineNumber The number of the line on which the message originated.
    // \param message The message.
    virtual void writeOverride(LogLevel level, string_view levelName, string_view categoryName,
                               string_view fileName, size_t lineNumber, string_view message)
        // Start the log with the level name.
        string logMessage(levelName);

        // Separate the log level and the log category with a colon.
        logMessage += ':';

        // Add the category name.
        logMessage.append(categoryName.data(), categoryName.length());

        if (level == LogLevelError)
            // The error is reported.
            // To show where in the code the error was reported, add the file name and the line number to the message.
            logMessage.append(fileName.data(), fileName.length());

            // Separate the file name and the line number with a colon.
            logMessage += ':';
            logMessage += to_string(lineNumber);

        // Add an angle bracket and the message text.
        logMessage += "> ";
        logMessage.append(message.data(), message.length());

        // Append the log message to the log vector.

    // Get log vector reference.
    vector<string>& getLog()
        return m_log;

    // Log vector.
    vector<string> m_log;

To use a logger explicitly:

// SimpleLogger inherits from kanzi::AbstractLogger and implements writeOverride.
SimpleLogger simpleLogger;

// Write a log message using the SimpleLogger.
kzLog(simpleLogger, KZ_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, KZ_LOG_CATEGORY_GENERIC, ("Lets log 1 + 2 = {}.", 1 + 2));

To use a logger in a logger chain:

// SimpleLogger inherits from kanzi::AbstractLogger and implements writeOverride.
AbstractLoggerUniquePtr simpleLogger(new SimpleLogger());

// Before adding SimpleLogger to the logger chain, get the pointer to it.
// After you add SimpleLogger to the logger chain, the logger chain controls the lifetime of SimpleLogger.
SimpleLogger* simpleLoggerPtr = static_cast<SimpleLogger*>(simpleLogger.get());

// Push SimpleLogger to the logger chain. Now both SimpleLogger and the rest of the loggers handle every logged message.

// Write a log message. SimpleLogger handles this message.
kzLogInfo(KZ_LOG_CATEGORY_GENERIC, ("Lets log 1 + 2 = {}.", 1 + 2));

To set your logger to handle all the log messages:

// SimpleLogger inherits from kanzi::AbstractLogger and implements writeOverride.
AbstractLoggerUniquePtr simpleLogger(new SimpleLogger());

// Before adding SimpleLogger to the logger chain, get the pointer to it.
// After you add SimpleLogger to the logger chain, the logger chain controls the lifetime of SimpleLogger.
SimpleLogger* simpleLoggerPtr = static_cast<SimpleLogger*>(simpleLogger.get());

// Remove all default loggers from the logger chain.
// This way you make only SimpleLogger, which you push to the chain later, handle the logged messages.

// Push SimpleLogger to the logger chain. Now only SimpleLogger handles every logged message.

// Write a log message. SimpleLogger handles this message.
kzLogInfo(KZ_LOG_CATEGORY_GENERIC, ("Lets log 1 + 2 = {}.", 1 + 2));

See also

Best practices

Measuring application performance

Troubleshooting the performance of your application

Logging Kanzi Engine performance profiling data

Logging application code performance profiling data

Logging resource profiling data